Allie & Ginger

“We had no idea what to do when our 8 month old dog barked non-stop all day inside, and overreacted to everything, especially other dogs, outside. After a month of this, we were at our wit's end…”

“…Kim walked us through helping Ginger trust us by building a positive association with spending time with us. She showed us tricks and games we could do together that built both our relationship and Ginger's confidence. Kim guided us through every step including suggesting nearby locations we could bring her for decompression walks, briefly pausing walks in our city neighborhood, and even helping us discuss behavioral concerns with our vet.

No question was too small or silly. Because training a dog is a long and non-linear process, Kim helped us break down our goals into small measurable steps so that we could see the progress we were making over time. 

I highly recommend working with Kim and Bad Bitch Dog Training to build a loving relationship with your dog and achieve your training goals with positive reinforcement based training. You will be glad you did.“

Sarah & Auggie

“Auggie really enjoys his session with Kim and leaves happy and, most importantly, tired. I am so grateful to Kim and Bad Bitch Dog Training for making the very difficult puppy/teenager stage a lot more manageable…”

“Auggie has shown so much progress over the past few months of working with Kim. Kim is able to tailor our sessions to whatever our most urgent need is at the time - when I first got him I wanted to address his resource guarding and waiting nicely for treats, and lately we have been having our sessions out in public and working on greeting strangers politely and with less fear. Friends who have seen a lot of him the past few months have commented that they see an improvement!”

Kim L & Millhouse

“Kim was so helpful with my rescue dog, Milhouse. He was having some stranger danger towards men…”

“…Kim was able to teach us new ways to introduce him to new friends in a way that wasn’t so scary for him as well as gave us tips on how to curb some of his puppy behaviors. I can’t wait to work with her again with my other pups!.”